Such a great game. The atmosphere is just dead on, and the dialogue left me squirming in my chair. Hard to admit but this got me harder than I thought it would. So many games try and fail to nail that dominant yandere vibe, but this one did it in a surprising, fresh way. Being a brat and slowly being broken down- Well, that's hard to find, especially this well done. Thank you so much for this game! I know it's good because I felt sad having to get out of the game and realise it was just that, a sweet experience that stayed on my screen.
damn, i was not expecting this to be this good. well okay this is alexis royce of course it's gonna be good (but i have not seen all of the goodness yet as i just got the 7th ending. gonna play the rest later)
anyway damn, that was kinda hot, and now i have a newfound love for exit/dea. she's the perfect balance of smart, funny, horny, and kinky
and markus? definitely a lot more enjoyable here than in serialized killer lol
their dynamic is *chef's kiss*
thank you for the good fucking food
edit: alr ive gotten all the endings now. 7th still best tho, i love dea being a little bitch
but damn both exit and drt need some healthy affection/relationships in their life and therapy for fuck's sake
Great Game and the tension/dynamic between the two of them was funny and I couldn't stop laughing at their interaction. The second ending might be the hardest for me since I couldn't get it,still working on it though ;-; (Edit: Got the ending,and oh my god. Its so good)
This game is simply PERFECT, I love the dynamic between them and Exit is very funny. I got almost all the endings, I don't know why but I can't get the second ending at all... it is frustrating because I wanted to get everything, maybe I will try later.
But this game is one of the best I have played here, really I'm in love!
Can I just say I love Exit a totally normal amount and I'm excited to try your other games she appears in. Will we ever see another game from her perspective? :)
Thank you! I can't stop writing schemy little jerks with gremlin hearts, and Exit's an all-time fav. I don't have any direct plans for her as a viewpoint character at the moment, but she appears as a suspect in The Case of the Serialized Killer. If we get a chance to make a second chapter, I would like to expand on her backstory there, and I already have some notes and a rough idea of how that mystery would go! Thank you so much for supporting Off the Cuff, it goes a long way toward helping me make more with her! ^u^
Oh also I LOOOOOVE your Lupin the III games. They got me into shipping those two goofballs. Sure there where jokes about it in the show but I never put two and two together!
finally got the seventh ending! gosh that was a lot of tracking what weapons I had and figuring out what option gave what response but it was definitely worth it!
This is the game that introduced me to Exit, and she's wonderful! I love how the game presents everything through her unique perspective. There is a real sense of tension between trying to figure out how to escape and wanting to enjoy all of the kinky possibilities! The banter between Exit and her captor is fun while having a sense of danger and anxiety. I look forward to replaying!
Thank you! I have a really good time writing for Exit. Troublemaker characters are great at figuring out what's fun about a situation, even if it's not the direct goal. XD
I played Full Service Shop almost a year ago at this point and loved it in general and Exit in particular (such a fun dom as well as just a standout personality; totally would cosplay as her if I that wouldn't cause people to ask questions about her lol). I finally worked up the courage to try this and, while I am struggling to get all the endings, I really enjoy it! I really like the sort of puzzle mechanics built into the kink selection; it makes you think and is fun to unravel, even if you don't find every kink appealing.
I’m so happy to hear that you like Exit! She started as my tabletop character, so I wish that I could tell you there’s a SFW version you could tell people about, instead. But sadly, she was a pretty cruel villain in-game, so the little jerk still isn’t easily explainable cosplay material that way, either. XD
I’ll be posting a demo for a new game this week, so please keep an eye out! It’s going to be like Off the Cuff, but it’ll be SFW. The protag is a flirty, cheeky thief caught by an ICPO detective, and while their vibe is MUCH sweeter than Exit/DRT, you might like it!
Lol, yes, I figured that she was a bit of cruel-if-likeable minx from the stuff she confesses to in this game, which was much more extreme then what I expected from the girl shoving all of her stuff in a closet to hastily clean up in Full Service Shop. I'm not surprised that her origin is in tabletop games though, as I noticed the concept art for Full Service Shop seemed detailed in the implications of backstories and potential futures for the characters...
Woah, that's super cool to hear! I'll look forward to it, as the puzzle mechanics here were really cool and a game designed to be played in polite company with them sounds really fun. Maybe I can play that with friends without accidentally revealing way too much about myself lol. XD
This wouldn't normally be my thing, but just as I hoped this game was an exception! Not sure why I got the feeling it'd do it well enough to let even a non-masochist appreciate it, but yeah, this was great.
...Does leave me feeling like the two acted more like people in a consensual Play scene, than real enemies, but still. More fun that way, anyway.
Thanks for giving it a shot! I always appreciate getting comments from people who realize that it’s not quite as hardcore or dark as they expected. Also I love writing for mouthy little jerks like Exit. ❤️
every time i try to download this game, i get one of those warning messages from my Zip file app saying that the file either cannot be executed or cannot be found
I'm very sorry about that! You may have to click "Run Anyway" if windows gives you a warning. It's a common problem with Ren'Py games, since they're from small developers without credentials.
Hahaha, thank you! I tried to tone down writing him with an accent because I didn’t know how well I could make it work in text, but he actually speaks with a Chicago accent. So a New Jersey one is also a totally valid read. XD
I just played this, and its absolutely mind blowing. I absolutely love the atmosphere and everything you did with it. Currently have just completed all the endings and I loved every step of the journey. Anyway just wanted to say this was easily my favourite game and I love Dea and Markus' relationship/interactions. I want to go into detail but I can't find the words for it, also found that you just made another game! Gonna go check it out, anyway thanks :D
Whoa, thank you so much for playing, and for leaving such a lovely comment! Exit/Dea's a lot of fun for me to write, and I hope you like her route in Full Service Shop!
Now this, this i love. I played a while ago, got all endings, and its sooo good! though i did have trouble finding it again, but finding it again was so worth it! cant wait to see what youre going to do next
Thank you so much! I’ve had games that I liked and lost, so I’m honored that this was one you wanted to find again!
Also, your timing couldn’t be better! I just released a new game two weeks ago! It’s also got Exit in it, so if you’re up for seeing more of her, please check it out:
Iv only got 2 endings so far but god DAM do love Dea I'm so gay for her!!!!<3 / i always love playable ending games such as this one im excited to see what other games you come up with!!!
Ahhh, thank you! This is just what I needed to hear today! I'm working on Exit's route for our next game, since she's in it too, and the game is all about being a super gay cyborg!
havent event started the game yet and im already in love with it! i love the artstyle and the reviews and cant forget about the actuall lore that im seeing in the comments , keep up the good work!
Hell yeah! I’m so happy that my game could have a part in helping you figure out something new about yourself! Learning more about our minds and tastes is a huge key to finding all the good things in life. Good on you for exploring things and thinking about yourself and how you relate to the world!
It's not often that something shakes me as much as this has. It is an enjoyable, well-crafted experience, to be viewed in it's specific context. I needed to get it out of me that this game has brought me to add something new to my view of sexuality, in big part thanks to quality of the story.
Whoa, thank you SO MUCH! Making this game also helped me feel more confident and secure in my sexuality, and I’m honored that it could help out you, too!
I think I'm a bit late, but I just finished this game and really liked the story. Somehow, the fact that these characters have a whole backstory unknown to the player wasn't particularly impactful which is a good thing, and the writing was good enough to make up for the lack of knowledge one might have about these adorable psychopaths.
However, after getting all the endings, I was certainly glad that the game was interesting enough to get me to finish it in its entirety but alas, I was also very disappointed at the lack of a blowjob scene, especially considering the act itself had been mentioned multiple times during dialogue! Can't win them all I guess, but I still believe it's a missed opportunity. I might be a little biased however, since this is really the one and only thing I expect from a game that is erotic in nature aside from polished writing.
Hehehe, I like this crit. It's good, you asked for what you'd like to see in a very polite way. Though I may need to tell you that it would just result in Markus getting bit. Would nooot turn out well for him.
I'm glad you appreciate it and actually take the time to respond to comments, it's a rare sight these days! I believe that surely, if Markus managed to push Exit to the point where she wouldn't hesitate to let him have his way with her in one of the endings, then oral wouldn't be out of the question! After all, from what I've noticed, Exit has a hard time ignoring her own libido, and therefore can eventually give in to her captor if he uses this to his advantage!
She also appears to lose her confidence and smugness as Markus gets more intimate, and since the wide variety of endings also ultimately allow for a wide variety of states of mind for Exit, I'd imagine one where Markus would get bitten (if he didn't play his cards right) and once where he wouldn't (if he did) wouldn't be completely odd to see.
On a side note, I am glad to see fellow roleplayers making games, it almost always guarantees very good writing, which is clearly the case here!
This is more complicated than it got in the game, but Exit's sexuality is really tied up in a winner/loser mentality. She's very firmly a switch, almost as though a literal switch gets flipped one way or the other in her head. Whether she's subby or dommy totally hinges on whether she's on the winning or losing side of a struggle.
However, she's not really a servant-style sub. She's selfish. XD So giving oral wouldn't really do much for her, unless her partner found a way to make sure that Exit was still having her needs met. Like with a vibrator or something. Remote-controlled? Turning it off if she stops?
THERE we go! Figured it out! XD That's how it could work! HMMM. I'll have to keep that in mind for a sequel.
Heh, it's kind of clicking with me that this is a conversation where I'm totally allowed to talk about my OCs like this, and it's wild! Designing kink scenarios is like, the best of puzzle, character building, and narrative all rolled into one. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this conversation! :D
No problem, I can totally relate. It's always great to imagine new situations you could put your characters into, and I'm glad my ideas led to even better ideas on your part. After all, I believe feedback is important to game-making, even from a random eroge enthusiast on the internet like me. I'll definitely be looking forward to this sequel, and if my feedback had even the slightest of positive effects on the development of a game... well that's just amazing for me, to be completely honest.
It was fun chatting! No promises that I’ll be making a sequel; I want to do a bigger game with Exit, but since she comes from a tabletop game, a lot of her cast are player characters. So I need to make a brand new cast if I want to do it, and that’s a lot of work.
Not saying it’ll never happen. But I don’t want to lie and call it a sure thing.
I've really enjoyed this game so far. I love the dialog of both characters and find it really entertaining listening to Exit's smartass remarks to Markus. I've only gotten like 2 endings so far so I'll have to continue playing more to get the other endings. I found it really cute how Exit is weak to compliments and Markus's teasing. The ending with Exit submitting to Markus was pretty hot and the ending with Exit being defiant till the end was quite funny.
Thank you! And haha, I appreciate that you noticed that about Exit! She's terrible with sentiment and kind words. Errr, not that we can exactly call anything Markus says "kind..."
God this one was fun. sexy the first time round too when i was trying to get him to be all gentle and sexy for her the second time round when I just focused on getting beat up till she had too much fun but by the third i was just focused on winning. really got into her head and was sooooooo frustrated when he turned on that music felt like taking a step back. still it was super satisfying when I Exited Stage Left especially given how close we were to giving in when that bell rang. Also checked my phone Glad to see the minions care. don't know why i got so into this and into her head but I did. really good work
I love the whole mood manipulation thing. it was in the middle of my second play through that I realized it was real. caught the hint at the opening and some of the choices seemed to indicate 2 things at once. (one mentioned both a shock and something sharp and another getting stunned and getting hit.) but I was not quite sure if it meant what I thought it meant till the second run.
gonna take more runs at it I found ends 2 7 and i forget the other end I found but it wasn't 1
also glad to read that there is an extended universe here. gonna check out this tumblr as I wanna spend more time in the Fun house that is Exit's head.
Thank you so much! I love dialogue options and verbal sparring in games, and feel like tension is kind of the most fun part of romance/sexy games. So I made a whole game that was pretty much just that!
Next time I really need to be more direct about my game mechanics: the idea was that if Markus is happy, you can directly ask him for what you want. If he's mad, you have to slide a hint in there. So each choice that you can have Exit say can mean two things. I need to study tutorials so I can get a lot better at it!
Thank you again for playing, and for letting me know you liked it!
I dug the game despite not being into the more intense kink stuff. I really liked Exit as a character, shes super cute and her internal monologue was fun to read. I'd definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of her escapades. Markus was a bit more bland to me though, he felt more like a thug than a criminal mastermind worthy of being Exits nemesis. I guess his gruffness makes for a nice thematic contrast to Exits flamboyance, but I still found him kinda uninteresting, at least compared to Exit. Or maybe I'm just bitter that I lost to him like ten times before I figured out how to escape. :P
As for the puzzles, it took me a bit of trial and error to solve, mostly because of the music thing. I figured out how to get the knife and the taser, but getting Markus to turn off the music was the hardest thing to work out. I eventually just stumbled into the solution by chance by picking the moaning option. That one part could have been more clear, or maybe it was and I just didn't get it. The knife and taser were easy to deduce though.
The endings where Exit submits to Markus and the one where Exit wins were both pretty hot. I guess I'm more attracted to the erotic mind-game aspect than the torture aspect.
Also, I think my game might have been glitched, cause sometimes I'd click an option and Markus would do the opposite of what I clicked. Like instead of tazing me he would slap me. I didn't know if that was the game intentionally messing with me or a bug, but I overcame it by loading saves.
Anyway, this is an underrated little VN and I hope it gets more exposure. Its got good dialogue and a interesting premise. I'd like to see Exit have a more eccentric villain to play off of, one who's more willing to banter and talk trash with her instead of getting pissed. Also would have liked to see Markus follow up on that spanking threat but hey can't have everything.
Jeez I wrote way too much and its kinda just rambling, sorry about that. Great game!
Yo! Thank you so much for the in-depth crit! It's such a huge compliment that anyone would put that much time and thought into my little game, so I'm feeling both humbled and super emboldened, reading this.
Exit's a tabletop character of mine, so I tend to write and draw a lot of side stuff with her. She's got a huge backlog of character snippets, backstory and chatlogs. If you're ever interested, I tend to post extra sketches and stuff for her over on my tumblr, where it's usually tagged with "Exit" or "Exit Signs."
Also, the note that Exit would have played better off a different nemesis got a loving, hearty laugh from a couple of my players, seeing as you were very, very on point with your observation. Exit's had a pretty long arc facing off against and then becoming begrudging allies with the bombastic and loud Cryptic Killer . They have a great chemistry for banter and counter-trapping one another, and CK's been rather miffed pretty darn jealous at the insistence that Markus is her most dangerous and cunning nemesis. Maybe if I ever did a SFW one-shot, it would be a ton of fun to use him. CK makes full on trap-rooms, so maybe an escape room could be in the future..?
Regarding the "glitch," you're not the only one to have that problem. The game has a mechanic where Markus' mood changes to either smug or angry, depending on what Exit says to him. Every time you get back to the choice screen, you can either ask directly (if he's happy), or you have to manipulate him (if he's angry). Each phrase that Exit could choose had a direct meaning and a hidden meaning. I had Exit mention what she was doing before the first choice screen, but a couple of my playtesters didn't understand it either. If you have any ideas on how I can be more clear about that in future games, please let me know. It's obviously a weak point in the game and my communication skills, and I want to make sure I do better next time!
I had no idea there was a whole extended universe behind this game. I might give it a more thorough perusal when I have time. And I also didn't know that about manipulating Markus! That's actually pretty clever, like a hidden mechanic. As for making it more clear, I don't know, I'm not a game designer so I don't think I have the best ideas. I guess one way would be to highlight important gameplay related text in a different color, like red or yellow, but I don't know if whatever program you're using will let you do that. You could have Exit be just like, bluntly obvious, it would be believable because shes a smart character, and she has no reason to be vague to herself after all. But then again maybe she would do that, shes kind of a weirdo.
I'm happy I wasn't entirely wrong in my assessment of Markus. He definitely came off as a complete monster with no humanity in him at all. I hope he dies lmao. Anyway keep up the good work! It seem like you have so many ideas and characters already so I'm sure whatever you make next will be great!
a VERY great DiD visual novel game, especially one that's free! Can I recommend/request more DiD VNs from you in the future? Would love to see all the possibilities you come up with along with the awesome artwork- it's really great!
I'm glad that you liked it! I'm hoping to make doing a short VN an annual thing. I do a lot of writing and RPing with friends, and both this and May I Take Your Order were written with some of those original characters in kind. I'll probably focus on another character next year! Also, what's that acronym mean? All I can think of is Dissociative Identity Disorder, which I'm guessing isn't what you mean.
Damsel in Distress. I don't blame you for not knowing it, it originated from DIDnapper. People rarely use it though as their tags or anything though because it's easy to get the simple word "did" instead of "DID" when searching for something
Thank you very much for the input! I'm still tweaking things and will be releasing the final version on Wednesday* night. Could you let me know what gave you trouble, and what endings you did get, so I can make the game mechanics more clear? *Edit: Thursday night, sorry!
sure, i got the ending where you try to escape and cant undo the lock, the ending where you only ever get kissed, and the ending where you only get your legs free
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very exhilarating
Such a great game. The atmosphere is just dead on, and the dialogue left me squirming in my chair. Hard to admit but this got me harder than I thought it would. So many games try and fail to nail that dominant yandere vibe, but this one did it in a surprising, fresh way. Being a brat and slowly being broken down- Well, that's hard to find, especially this well done. Thank you so much for this game! I know it's good because I felt sad having to get out of the game and realise it was just that, a sweet experience that stayed on my screen.
damn, i was not expecting this to be this good. well okay this is alexis royce of course it's gonna be good (but i have not seen all of the goodness yet as i just got the 7th ending. gonna play the rest later)
anyway damn, that was kinda hot, and now i have a newfound love for exit/dea. she's the perfect balance of smart, funny, horny, and kinky
and markus? definitely a lot more enjoyable here than in serialized killer lol
their dynamic is *chef's kiss*
thank you for the good fucking food
edit: alr ive gotten all the endings now. 7th still best tho, i love dea being a little bitch
but damn both exit and drt need some healthy affection/relationships in their life and therapy for fuck's sake
Great Game and the tension/dynamic between the two of them was funny and I couldn't stop laughing at their interaction. The second ending might be the hardest for me since I couldn't get it,still working on it though ;-; (Edit: Got the ending,and oh my god. Its so good)
This game is simply PERFECT, I love the dynamic between them and Exit is very funny. I got almost all the endings, I don't know why but I can't get the second ending at all... it is frustrating because I wanted to get everything, maybe I will try later.
But this game is one of the best I have played here, really I'm in love!
I could read a whole series of these two kidnapping each other back and forth. Love their dynamic together and the dialogue is great.
Can I just say I love Exit a totally normal amount and I'm excited to try your other games she appears in. Will we ever see another game from her perspective? :)
Thank you! I can't stop writing schemy little jerks with gremlin hearts, and Exit's an all-time fav. I don't have any direct plans for her as a viewpoint character at the moment, but she appears as a suspect in The Case of the Serialized Killer. If we get a chance to make a second chapter, I would like to expand on her backstory there, and I already have some notes and a rough idea of how that mystery would go! Thank you so much for supporting Off the Cuff, it goes a long way toward helping me make more with her! ^u^
Absolutely loved putting Marcus in a submissive role. Best part of the game-
Gotta have the true ending be the most satisfying one~
Oh also I LOOOOOVE your Lupin the III games. They got me into shipping those two goofballs. Sure there where jokes about it in the show but I never put two and two together!
Awwww, thank you! Have you seen Lupin Zero yet?
YEEEES! Everyone is so adorable- It’s a gift i never knew I needed.
I need help with getting more ending
finally got the seventh ending! gosh that was a lot of tracking what weapons I had and figuring out what option gave what response but it was definitely worth it!
I remember playing this before and tried it again xD it's rare for me to play a game with the setting like this but this one *cough* I enjoyed it
It's so good and so fun to experience! We seriously need more of this in the world. Love it!
any chance we'll see an android version?
I love this, thanks for making it. ^_^ The storyline is both hilarious and hot. ^///~ Great work!
This is awesome!! Loved the writing for Exit, many of her lines made me laugh.
Is there a walkthrough. I simply can't get all the endings and pictures
This is the game that introduced me to Exit, and she's wonderful! I love how the game presents everything through her unique perspective. There is a real sense of tension between trying to figure out how to escape and wanting to enjoy all of the kinky possibilities! The banter between Exit and her captor is fun while having a sense of danger and anxiety. I look forward to replaying!
Thank you! I have a really good time writing for Exit. Troublemaker characters are great at figuring out what's fun about a situation, even if it's not the direct goal. XD
I played Full Service Shop almost a year ago at this point and loved it in general and Exit in particular (such a fun dom as well as just a standout personality; totally would cosplay as her if I that wouldn't cause people to ask questions about her lol). I finally worked up the courage to try this and, while I am struggling to get all the endings, I really enjoy it! I really like the sort of puzzle mechanics built into the kink selection; it makes you think and is fun to unravel, even if you don't find every kink appealing.
I’m so happy to hear that you like Exit! She started as my tabletop character, so I wish that I could tell you there’s a SFW version you could tell people about, instead. But sadly, she was a pretty cruel villain in-game, so the little jerk still isn’t easily explainable cosplay material that way, either. XD
I’ll be posting a demo for a new game this week, so please keep an eye out! It’s going to be like Off the Cuff, but it’ll be SFW. The protag is a flirty, cheeky thief caught by an ICPO detective, and while their vibe is MUCH sweeter than Exit/DRT, you might like it!
Lol, yes, I figured that she was a bit of cruel-if-likeable minx from the stuff she confesses to in this game, which was much more extreme then what I expected from the girl shoving all of her stuff in a closet to hastily clean up in Full Service Shop. I'm not surprised that her origin is in tabletop games though, as I noticed the concept art for Full Service Shop seemed detailed in the implications of backstories and potential futures for the characters...
Woah, that's super cool to hear! I'll look forward to it, as the puzzle mechanics here were really cool and a game designed to be played in polite company with them sounds really fun. Maybe I can play that with friends without accidentally revealing way too much about myself lol. XD
This wouldn't normally be my thing, but just as I hoped this game was an exception! Not sure why I got the feeling it'd do it well enough to let even a non-masochist appreciate it, but yeah, this was great.
...Does leave me feeling like the two acted more like people in a consensual Play scene, than real enemies, but still. More fun that way, anyway.
Thanks for giving it a shot! I always appreciate getting comments from people who realize that it’s not quite as hardcore or dark as they expected. Also I love writing for mouthy little jerks like Exit. ❤️
every time i try to download this game, i get one of those warning messages from my Zip file app saying that the file either cannot be executed or cannot be found
I'm very sorry about that! You may have to click "Run Anyway" if windows gives you a warning. It's a common problem with Ren'Py games, since they're from small developers without credentials.
Yesssssss.... weird stufffffff
Yooooooo welcome to The Weird Place
just found out about you and well... I already love ur games
keep up the good work!
Thank you very much!
Any chance this works on android?d
Sorry, just Windows, Mac and Linux.
I love this, and in all honesty, I heard a deep new jersey accent for Markus
Hahaha, thank you! I tried to tone down writing him with an accent because I didn’t know how well I could make it work in text, but he actually speaks with a Chicago accent. So a New Jersey one is also a totally valid read. XD
I just played this, and its absolutely mind blowing. I absolutely love the atmosphere and everything you did with it. Currently have just completed all the endings and I loved every step of the journey. Anyway just wanted to say this was easily my favourite game and I love Dea and Markus' relationship/interactions. I want to go into detail but I can't find the words for it, also found that you just made another game! Gonna go check it out, anyway thanks :D
Whoa, thank you so much for playing, and for leaving such a lovely comment! Exit/Dea's a lot of fun for me to write, and I hope you like her route in Full Service Shop!
Now this, this i love. I played a while ago, got all endings, and its sooo good! though i did have trouble finding it again, but finding it again was so worth it! cant wait to see what youre going to do next
Thank you so much! I’ve had games that I liked and lost, so I’m honored that this was one you wanted to find again!
Also, your timing couldn’t be better! I just released a new game two weeks ago! It’s also got Exit in it, so if you’re up for seeing more of her, please check it out:
oh thats great! ill check it out!!
Iv only got 2 endings so far but god DAM do love Dea I'm so gay for her!!!!<3 / i always love playable ending games such as this one im excited to see what other games you come up with!!!
Ahhh, thank you! This is just what I needed to hear today! I'm working on Exit's route for our next game, since she's in it too, and the game is all about being a super gay cyborg!
Im sooo down for that cant wait till it releases!!!!/o/3/o/
havent event started the game yet and im already in love with it! i love the artstyle and the reviews and cant forget about the actuall lore that im seeing in the comments , keep up the good work!
Thank you! I hope you had a fun time playing it!
I really enjoyed this game. It's well written, and got me to realize that I DO have kinks in real life!
Thank you! <3
Hell yeah! I’m so happy that my game could have a part in helping you figure out something new about yourself! Learning more about our minds and tastes is a huge key to finding all the good things in life. Good on you for exploring things and thinking about yourself and how you relate to the world!
It's not often that something shakes me as much as this has. It is an enjoyable, well-crafted experience, to be viewed in it's specific context. I needed to get it out of me that this game has brought me to add something new to my view of sexuality, in big part thanks to quality of the story.
Whoa, thank you SO MUCH! Making this game also helped me feel more confident and secure in my sexuality, and I’m honored that it could help out you, too!
I think I'm a bit late, but I just finished this game and really liked the story. Somehow, the fact that these characters have a whole backstory unknown to the player wasn't particularly impactful which is a good thing, and the writing was good enough to make up for the lack of knowledge one might have about these adorable psychopaths.
However, after getting all the endings, I was certainly glad that the game was interesting enough to get me to finish it in its entirety but alas, I was also very disappointed at the lack of a blowjob scene, especially considering the act itself had been mentioned multiple times during dialogue! Can't win them all I guess, but I still believe it's a missed opportunity. I might be a little biased however, since this is really the one and only thing I expect from a game that is erotic in nature aside from polished writing.
Hehehe, I like this crit. It's good, you asked for what you'd like to see in a very polite way. Though I may need to tell you that it would just result in Markus getting bit. Would nooot turn out well for him.
Still, that would have been funny.
I'm glad you appreciate it and actually take the time to respond to comments, it's a rare sight these days! I believe that surely, if Markus managed to push Exit to the point where she wouldn't hesitate to let him have his way with her in one of the endings, then oral wouldn't be out of the question! After all, from what I've noticed, Exit has a hard time ignoring her own libido, and therefore can eventually give in to her captor if he uses this to his advantage!
She also appears to lose her confidence and smugness as Markus gets more intimate, and since the wide variety of endings also ultimately allow for a wide variety of states of mind for Exit, I'd imagine one where Markus would get bitten (if he didn't play his cards right) and once where he wouldn't (if he did) wouldn't be completely odd to see.
On a side note, I am glad to see fellow roleplayers making games, it almost always guarantees very good writing, which is clearly the case here!
This is more complicated than it got in the game, but Exit's sexuality is really tied up in a winner/loser mentality. She's very firmly a switch, almost as though a literal switch gets flipped one way or the other in her head. Whether she's subby or dommy totally hinges on whether she's on the winning or losing side of a struggle.
However, she's not really a servant-style sub. She's selfish. XD So giving oral wouldn't really do much for her, unless her partner found a way to make sure that Exit was still having her needs met. Like with a vibrator or something. Remote-controlled? Turning it off if she stops?
THERE we go! Figured it out! XD That's how it could work! HMMM. I'll have to keep that in mind for a sequel.
Heh, it's kind of clicking with me that this is a conversation where I'm totally allowed to talk about my OCs like this, and it's wild! Designing kink scenarios is like, the best of puzzle, character building, and narrative all rolled into one. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this conversation! :D
No problem, I can totally relate. It's always great to imagine new situations you could put your characters into, and I'm glad my ideas led to even better ideas on your part. After all, I believe feedback is important to game-making, even from a random eroge enthusiast on the internet like me. I'll definitely be looking forward to this sequel, and if my feedback had even the slightest of positive effects on the development of a game... well that's just amazing for me, to be completely honest.
It was fun chatting! No promises that I’ll be making a sequel; I want to do a bigger game with Exit, but since she comes from a tabletop game, a lot of her cast are player characters. So I need to make a brand new cast if I want to do it, and that’s a lot of work.
Not saying it’ll never happen. But I don’t want to lie and call it a sure thing.
Is there guide for it
No, but I probably should make one sometime.
A super hot, super cute game! Love it <3
Thank you so much! It was a lot of fun to make, and it means a lot to know that other people had fun with my weird little idea!
I've really enjoyed this game so far. I love the dialog of both characters and find it really entertaining listening to Exit's smartass remarks to Markus. I've only gotten like 2 endings so far so I'll have to continue playing more to get the other endings. I found it really cute how Exit is weak to compliments and Markus's teasing. The ending with Exit submitting to Markus was pretty hot and the ending with Exit being defiant till the end was quite funny.
Thank you! And haha, I appreciate that you noticed that about Exit! She's terrible with sentiment and kind words. Errr, not that we can exactly call anything Markus says "kind..."
God this one was fun. sexy the first time round too when i was trying to get him to be all gentle and sexy for her the second time round when I just focused on getting beat up till she had too much fun but by the third i was just focused on winning. really got into her head and was sooooooo frustrated when he turned on that music felt like taking a step back. still it was super satisfying when I Exited Stage Left especially given how close we were to giving in when that bell rang. Also checked my phone Glad to see the minions care.
don't know why i got so into this and into her head but I did. really good work
I love the whole mood manipulation thing. it was in the middle of my second play through that I realized it was real. caught the hint at the opening and some of the choices seemed to indicate 2 things at once. (one mentioned both a shock and something sharp and another getting stunned and getting hit.) but I was not quite sure if it meant what I thought it meant till the second run.
gonna take more runs at it I found ends 2 7 and i forget the other end I found but it wasn't 1
also glad to read that there is an extended universe here. gonna check out this tumblr as I wanna spend more time in the Fun house that is Exit's head.
Thank you so much! I love dialogue options and verbal sparring in games, and feel like tension is kind of the most fun part of romance/sexy games. So I made a whole game that was pretty much just that!
Next time I really need to be more direct about my game mechanics: the idea was that if Markus is happy, you can directly ask him for what you want. If he's mad, you have to slide a hint in there. So each choice that you can have Exit say can mean two things. I need to study tutorials so I can get a lot better at it!
Thank you again for playing, and for letting me know you liked it!
I dug the game despite not being into the more intense kink stuff. I really liked Exit as a character, shes super cute and her internal monologue was fun to read. I'd definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of her escapades. Markus was a bit more bland to me though, he felt more like a thug than a criminal mastermind worthy of being Exits nemesis. I guess his gruffness makes for a nice thematic contrast to Exits flamboyance, but I still found him kinda uninteresting, at least compared to Exit. Or maybe I'm just bitter that I lost to him like ten times before I figured out how to escape. :P
As for the puzzles, it took me a bit of trial and error to solve, mostly because of the music thing. I figured out how to get the knife and the taser, but getting Markus to turn off the music was the hardest thing to work out. I eventually just stumbled into the solution by chance by picking the moaning option. That one part could have been more clear, or maybe it was and I just didn't get it. The knife and taser were easy to deduce though.
The endings where Exit submits to Markus and the one where Exit wins were both pretty hot. I guess I'm more attracted to the erotic mind-game aspect than the torture aspect.
Also, I think my game might have been glitched, cause sometimes I'd click an option and Markus would do the opposite of what I clicked. Like instead of tazing me he would slap me. I didn't know if that was the game intentionally messing with me or a bug, but I overcame it by loading saves.
Anyway, this is an underrated little VN and I hope it gets more exposure. Its got good dialogue and a interesting premise. I'd like to see Exit have a more eccentric villain to play off of, one who's more willing to banter and talk trash with her instead of getting pissed. Also would have liked to see Markus follow up on that spanking threat but hey can't have everything.
Jeez I wrote way too much and its kinda just rambling, sorry about that. Great game!
Yo! Thank you so much for the in-depth crit! It's such a huge compliment that anyone would put that much time and thought into my little game, so I'm feeling both humbled and super emboldened, reading this.
Exit's a tabletop character of mine, so I tend to write and draw a lot of side stuff with her. She's got a huge backlog of character snippets, backstory and chatlogs. If you're ever interested, I tend to post extra sketches and stuff for her over on my tumblr, where it's usually tagged with "Exit" or "Exit Signs."
Also, the note that Exit would have played better off a different nemesis got a loving, hearty laugh from a couple of my players, seeing as you were very, very on point with your observation. Exit's had a pretty long arc facing off against and then becoming begrudging allies with the bombastic and loud Cryptic Killer . They have a great chemistry for banter and counter-trapping one another, and CK's been
rather miffedpretty darn jealous at the insistence that Markus is her most dangerous and cunning nemesis. Maybe if I ever did a SFW one-shot, it would be a ton of fun to use him. CK makes full on trap-rooms, so maybe an escape room could be in the future..?Regarding the "glitch," you're not the only one to have that problem. The game has a mechanic where Markus' mood changes to either smug or angry, depending on what Exit says to him. Every time you get back to the choice screen, you can either ask directly (if he's happy), or you have to manipulate him (if he's angry). Each phrase that Exit could choose had a direct meaning and a hidden meaning. I had Exit mention what she was doing before the first choice screen, but a couple of my playtesters didn't understand it either. If you have any ideas on how I can be more clear about that in future games, please let me know. It's obviously a weak point in the game and my communication skills, and I want to make sure I do better next time!
I had no idea there was a whole extended universe behind this game. I might give it a more thorough perusal when I have time. And I also didn't know that about manipulating Markus! That's actually pretty clever, like a hidden mechanic. As for making it more clear, I don't know, I'm not a game designer so I don't think I have the best ideas. I guess one way would be to highlight important gameplay related text in a different color, like red or yellow, but I don't know if whatever program you're using will let you do that. You could have Exit be just like, bluntly obvious, it would be believable because shes a smart character, and she has no reason to be vague to herself after all. But then again maybe she would do that, shes kind of a weirdo.
I'm happy I wasn't entirely wrong in my assessment of Markus. He definitely came off as a complete monster with no humanity in him at all. I hope he dies lmao. Anyway keep up the good work! It seem like you have so many ideas and characters already so I'm sure whatever you make next will be great!
a VERY great DiD visual novel game, especially one that's free! Can I recommend/request more DiD VNs from you in the future? Would love to see all the possibilities you come up with along with the awesome artwork- it's really great!
I'm glad that you liked it! I'm hoping to make doing a short VN an annual thing. I do a lot of writing and RPing with friends, and both this and May I Take Your Order were written with some of those original characters in kind. I'll probably focus on another character next year!
Also, what's that acronym mean? All I can think of is Dissociative Identity Disorder, which I'm guessing isn't what you mean.
Damsel in Distress. I don't blame you for not knowing it, it originated from DIDnapper. People rarely use it though as their tags or anything though because it's easy to get the simple word "did" instead of "DID" when searching for something
i liked this?
i wish there was a better interface to find all the endings, i got emotionally exhausted before i could find the good ending
Thank you very much for the input! I'm still tweaking things and will be releasing the final version on Wednesday* night. Could you let me know what gave you trouble, and what endings you did get, so I can make the game mechanics more clear?
*Edit: Thursday night, sorry!
sure, i got the ending where you try to escape and cant undo the lock, the ending where you only ever get kissed, and the ending where you only get your legs free